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Clam Chowder rant

26 April 2006, 20:03

Dear California Restaurateurs:

I grew up in Boston. I know clam chowder. Do not confuse Boston Clam Chowder with New England Clam Chowder. Do not advertise New England Clam Chowder as Boston Clam Chowder.

Boston Clam Chowder does not have cream in it; it is a clear broth. New England Clam Chowder has cream in it. And by the way Manhattan Clam Chowder is a clear broth (no cream) but with tomato.

Here is some Clam Chowder math in case this is not clear:

Boston Clam Chowder + cream = New England Clam Chowder

Manhattan Clam Chowder – tomato = Boston Clam Chowder

Thank you.